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Suko Waspodo
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Keeping Love Alive

22 Mei 2024   18:19 Diperbarui: 22 Mei 2024   18:36 48
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in the dance of life, love takes its place
a delicate balance, a tender embrace
through stormy seas and tranquil skies
love's flame flickers, but never dies

it's in the little things we do each day
the whispered words, the gentle sway
in laughter shared and tears we shed
love's silent language, never unsaid

it's holding hands through the darkest night
guiding each other towards the light
in the warmth of a smile, the sparkle in eyes
love's enduring presence, a sweet surprise

yet love requires nurture, like a fragile flower
watered with care, hour by hour
with patience and kindness, it will thrive
in the heart's garden, love's alive

so let us tend to this precious fire
fueling it with passion, never to tire
for in the journey of life, side by side
love's eternal flame shall abide

Solo, Wed, 22nd May 2024. 6:14 pm
Suko Waspodo

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