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Suko Waspodo
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There's A Prisoner In My Head

9 April 2024   20:04 Diperbarui: 9 April 2024   20:07 56
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there's a prisoner in my head
with chains of doubt, it's often led
confined within these walls unseen
where shadows dwell, where fears convene

each thought a cell, each worry a guard
trapping me within, it's so hard
the key to freedom, lost in the mist
in the labyrinth of my mind, it's twist and twist

echoes of past mistakes resound
in every corner, they're found
regrets and sorrows, they hold sway
dragging me down day by day

but hope flickers in the darkest night
a glimmer of faith, a guiding light
for even in this mental cell
there's a strength within, I know so well

with courage as my ally, I'll break free
shatter the chains, let my spirit spree
for though the prisoner may reside
within my mind, I'll not abide

I'll rise above the doubts that bind
embrace the freedom of my mind
no longer trapped, no longer led
for I am the master of my own head

Solo, Tue, 9th April 2024. 7:57 pm
Suko Waspodo

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