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Suko Waspodo
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Holy Saturday

30 Maret 2024   13:42 Diperbarui: 30 Maret 2024   14:10 81
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on Holy Saturday, a sacred hush descends
between the sorrow of Good Friday and Easter's amends
in solemn stillness, the world holds its breath
awaiting the dawn of redemption, the conquering of death

the tomb stands silent, sealed with solemn grace
yet within its depths, hope begins to trace
for even in darkness, a glimmer shines bright
the promise of resurrection, breaking through the night

the earth holds its vigil, in quiet repose
while heaven and earth in mystery interpose
the veil is torn, the barrier breached
as love's eternal victory is preached

Holy Saturday, a pause in the storm
a moment to reflect on faith's transforming form
in the midst of despair, a whisper of grace
guiding us to the light of Easter's embrace

so let us linger in this sacred space
between the cross and the empty grave's trace
for here in the silence, we find our voice
proclaiming the triumph of love, our eternal choice

Solo, Sat, 30th March 2024. 1:37 pm
Suko Waspodo

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