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Suko Waspodo
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Puisi Pilihan

Eye Love You

25 Februari 2024   22:37 Diperbarui: 25 Februari 2024   22:44 93
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in the language of the heart, let me confess
with each beat, a tale of tenderness
for in your gaze, a world anew
I find the truth: "Eye love you"

in the depths of your captivating stare
I see galaxies, boundless and rare
reflecting all that I hold true
in every hue: "Eye love you"

in every blink, a silent vow
to cherish this, our sacred now
in whispered secrets, our spirits flew
embracing the phrase: "Eye love you"

through storms and calms, our souls entwine
in every glance, a love divine
for in your eyes, forever true
resides the promise: "Eye love you"

so let the stars in your eyes ignite
a love that conquers all in sight
in every twinkle, a truth so pure and true
forever echoing: "Eye love you"

Solo, Sun, 25th February 2024. 10:30 pm
Suko Waspodo

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