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Ir. Herson, Dipl.I.S., M.Sc
Ir. Herson, Dipl.I.S., M.Sc Mohon Tunggu... Kepala Biro Administrasi Pembangunan Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah -

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11 Desember 2015   11:39 Diperbarui: 22 Desember 2015   20:11 537
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( Kualitas informasi (bahasa Inggris: information quality) adalah sejauh mana informasi secara konsisten dapat memenuhi persyaratan dan harapan semua orang yang membutuhkan informasi tersebut untuk melakukan proses mereka [1]. Konsep ini dikaitkan dengan konsep produk informasi yang menggunakan data sebagai masukan dan informasi didefinisikan sebagai data yang telah diolah sehingga memberikan makna bagi penerima informasi [2]. Kualitas informasi bersifat multidimensi dan berbagai variasi karakteristik pengukur telah diusulkan oleh beberapa penulis [3]. Secara umum, dimensi kualitas informasi dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam empat kategori: (1) intrinsik, (2) kontekstual, (3) representasi, dan (4) aksesibilitas atau keteraksesan [4].


Dimensions and metrics of Information Quality[edit]

"Information quality" is a measure of the value which the information provides to the user of that information. "Quality" is often perceived as subjective and the quality of information can then vary among users and among uses of the information. Nevertheless, a high degree of quality increases its objectivity or at least the intersubjectivity. Accuracy can be seen as just one element of IQ but, depending upon how it is defined, can also be seen as encompassing many other dimensions of quality.

If not, it is perceived that often there is a trade-off between accuracy and other dimensions, aspects or elements of the information determining its suitability for any given tasks. Wang and Strong propose a list of dimensions or elements used in assessing Information Quality is:[3]

Other authors propose similar but different lists of dimensions for analysis, and emphasize measurement and reporting as information quality metrics. Larry English prefers the term "characteristics" to dimensions.[5]

While information as a distinct term has various ambiguous definitions, there's one which is more general, such as "description of events". While the occurrences being described cannot be subjectively evaluated for quality, since they're very much autonomous events in space and time, their description can—since it possesses a garnishment attribute, unavoidably attached by the medium which carried the information, from the initial moment of the occurrences being described.

In an attempt to deal with this natural phenomenon, qualified professionals primarily representing the researchers' guild, have at one point or another identified particular metrics for information quality. They could also be described as 'quality traits' of information, since they're not so easily quantified, but rather subjectively identified on an individual basis.


Proposed quality metrics[edit]

  • Authority/Verifiability

Authority refers to the expertise or recognized official status of a source. Consider the reputation of the author and publisher. When working with legal or government information, consider whether the source is the official provider of the information. Verifiability refers to the ability of a reader to verify the validity of the information irresepective of how authoritative the source is. To verify the facts is part of the duty of care of the journalistic deontology, as well as, where possible, to provide the sources of information so that they can be verified

  • Scope of coverage

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
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