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Fenni Uncu
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Do You Feel What I Feel?

29 Agustus 2023   10:51 Diperbarui: 29 Agustus 2023   10:55 142
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Wait, what about what I'm feeling?

Have you started to feel it?

Or have you figured it out?

Do you still need to explain about that feeling?

Okay, I'll tell you again,

because I think...

anger may come,

when what you're waiting for doesn't go the way you want it to,

not what was planned.

I guess, the upset starts to come,

tightness resting in this body,

the arrival is not preceded by a warm greeting,

even without knocking on the door first,

until it combines with pieces of the soul that want to rebel.

I guess, there is nothing that can fix it,

but holding back from anger is necessary,

for the sake of sanity in the soul, mental or psychological

that's the expression nowadays

How about it, do you still not feel it?

or should that feeling have to continue again?

but until when, should I feel?

Jakarta, 29-08-2023

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