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Battling My Addiction Called: Smartphone

16 Maret 2016   15:50 Diperbarui: 16 Maret 2016   16:22 91
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A book that tells about story. A good friend of mine, once said that there is an important thing about story and why people craving about it: stories are able to transport our mind to another place. I’m getting used to read every night before I go to sleep. I need to get focus on the book to feel transcending to another place. That’s how it works. I suggest you to highlight the important part, and hold your urge to post it under #quotes hash tag on any social media. I know it’s compelling and how rewarding it is when one of your friends gives that emoticon or comment. Anyway if I can’t resist posting it, I will end up staring on my phone screen until someone reacts on my post, or until something else on my timeline distract my mind. At the end, I won’t never finish to read the books and learn anything new.

·         Coffee Cupping

I found coffee cupping has been my perfect mind runaway. In an ideal situation, we are not allowed to bring or turn on our phones during coffee cupping. We need full concentration and our focus to notes every characters of the coffee beans. I can say that it’s a really hard things to do, all the coffee beans will smells similar at the very first time. I start to really likes it when I start to learn to notice the difference between very similar beans. Sometimes it’s just a small difference like a hints of floral or fruity, yet when I can tell it’s different, I feel so self-rewarding. I still regularly do coffee cupping on my own and always put my phones away while doing it.

·         Writing Things

This article it’s a proof of me battling my addiction. One of my good friend said that I should go back to writing things. “Publisher are looking new books every month, why don’t we give it a try?”  She said. I’m confused where I should start. I’m having difficulty to make a decision, remember? I can’t manage my thought, it’s like a lot of idea but useless information. Everythings kept in tiny little fractures in my head. I have to gather my mind. A wise man said to write a book, you should read a thoushand. I start by reading and here I’m: Write things.  While writing this article, I put my phone next to me, yet I have spent two hours without checking on it. Yippie!

I know that I’m not alone battling this addiction that could take my life. It’s not only drugs and narcotics that can make you die. You can die dumbly by texting while driving, the fact is 11 teens die every day because of texting while driving[2].  In my opinion, a constant checking on phone could be a sign  of depression. Can you imagine why a drug addict uses narcotics more and more? We are craving for attention and instant dopamine.

William James, a philosoper, once said “the deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”.

In a hustle, fast-changing world, we need something fast to relieve our daily worries. We need to feel apreciated fast, and when we don’t: we get more depressed.  It’s just a daily cycle when our Smartphone become our narcotics. I do my own therapy as I mentioned before, yet It could be really hard to do. You will have to face yourself. You’re having a battle with your own desire.  

A small advice from me: If you’re feeling depressed and craving for attention instantly, ask your friends (by friends I mean a real human friends, not a random name on social media) to meet face to face and put away your phone for a while, talk and listen : at least for thirty minutes. By doing this, you will get a real conversation and a feeling of appreciation: Someone finally makes a time for you.  


[1] “Emails Hurt IQ More than Pot,’” CNN, April 22, 2005,
[2] Ins. Institute for Hwy Safety Fatality Facts

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