Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 5 (2/3)]

2 Desember 2022   19:42 Diperbarui: 2 Desember 2022   19:45 251
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"That's right and thank you for helping me. But I can't just trust you that easily. You know I still can win over them if I persist."

"I know you can. But without my help, the zombies must have already crashed the backpack before you can retrieve it."

"What do you want? Are you one of the evil guardians?"

Minsook can't see the face under the cloak clearly, but he can see that the man is smiling.

"I know what are the two things that all of you are after."

"And what is that?"

"The magic balls and the location of Darcy Country's King and Queen are hiding."

Minsook is frozen again.

"I can tell you more about this... but I want you to do something for me."

"I wouldn't deal with an evil person like you. Now get out of my sight before one of us will be dead tonight."

He is smiling again, "if you changed your mind, you can send the darkness sign to the night sky. That sign which only can be spotted by darkness guardians and I will meet you."

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Mohon tunggu...

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