Mohon tunggu...
May Lee
May Lee Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Just an ordinary woman who loves to write

Just an ordinary woman who loves to write




[Novel] The Mirror [Chapter 5 (2/3)]

2 Desember 2022   19:42 Diperbarui: 2 Desember 2022   19:45 251
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She jumps into the darkness.

"So who is it," asked the man in white cloak, "attacking a warrior carelessly and without a backup plan."

"That's me. Well, not literally me. I just sent some ghosts and blood maidens to test her. And we could gain a lot of energy if that Warrior Leader didn't appear."

Another girl in black cloak just joined them in between the ruins. She has a totally opposite aura with the man in white cloak. When she walks, the aura from her makes everything go silent... everything becomes quiet... there is a terror, even by her presence. But her voice sounds the same expressionless as the man's.

"Why did you move without my consent?"

"I'm just testing that warrior girl. Why do you sound uneasy? Wait, is it true?"

"About what?"

"That she is your human girlfriend?"

"Who told you that?"

"Just answer me. Is that true?"

The white cloak man stayed silent. Both of them are exchanging cold glances. Finally the girl is smiling, but not the type of happy smile, it's a smile full of mockery.

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Mohon tunggu...

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