Mohon tunggu...
Suko Waspodo
Suko Waspodo Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - lecturer
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Puisi Pilihan

Puisi | Increasingly Sobbing

1 Januari 2019   16:58 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2019   16:59 112
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ilustr: Art Ranked Discovery Engine

in the morning I no longer
heard the lively singing of birds
since you don't often greet me friendly
is there still the rest of your time to hope
here I wait not to pause even though it's quiet

I was choked on a strong chest
resist the intense upheaval of desire
I hope your day will be more colorful
I stared from deep in my darkness

afternoon sun covered with gray clouds
accompany me live my day more sobbing
I want to ignore this feeling of sadness
but the more I think the more you mean to me

Solo, Tue, 1st January 2019. 4:30 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
suka idea
antologi puisi suko

Mohon tunggu...

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