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Suko Waspodo
Suko Waspodo Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - lecturer
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Puisi Pilihan

Puisi | Miss Peace

19 Desember 2018   17:21 Diperbarui: 19 Desember 2018   17:34 105
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ilustr: wisatajogja

gusts of wind caress gracefully pine
screaming that mountain animals cradle grand
blending yourself in awe don't expect to break up
sighed in longing flattered

the edge of the canyon stretches peacefully green
I suck dew drops on the shoots of weeds
the gurgling of the small bamboo shower of the river
the flow of life is never obsolete

lush leaves scattered by human motion
the women were no longer young to greet politely
bond of dry twigs on the shoulders
for the sake of the flame of successive lives

humming songs decorate the fields
men cultivate plots of life
friendly to care for livestock with delight
up to the time when beautiful hope materialized

wandering nature is full of harmony
You are our guide always
longing to shake our peace
You fulfill with full of hope

Solo, Wed, 19th December 2018. 4:44 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
suka idea
antologi puisi suko

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