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Review and Benefits of The Children's Book "I'm Enough" By Grace Byers

20 Januari 2022   12:14 Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2022   12:18 167
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- Increase children's psychic abilities

- And can indirectly regulate children's emotions too

- The presence of pictures certainly makes readers, especially children, more interested and happy to read them

Weaknesses in the "I'm Enough" children's book:

This book certainly requires the assistance of parents or adults because the language of the course is sometimes not familiar to children, so with the assistance of a child's parents or adults, it will be easier to give an explanation to the child.

              This book is indeed very suitable for parenting because it contains good psychic knowledge for the growth and development of children. So it is highly recommended to read. In addition, this book can also be made as an analysis of literary students, using psychoanalytic analysis. Well, this book is suitable and appropriate for any age.

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