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Laola Aini Shofa
Laola Aini Shofa Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Motto hidup: Isso ga isso halsuisseo



Ruang Kelas

Review and Benefits of The Children's Book "I'm Enough" By Grace Byers

20 Januari 2022   12:14 Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2022   12:18 167
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and like the air to rise above

Like the wind I'm here to push

Like a rough, I'm here to pull

Like the rain, I'm here to pour and drip and fall until I'm full

Like the moon, I'm here to dream

And like student here to learn

Like the water I'm here to swell

Like the fire, I'm here to burn

Like the winner, I'm here to win but if I don't I get up again

Now I'm not to be like you and you're not to be like me and sometimes we will get along but sometimes we will disagree

And in the end we right here to live a life of love not fear

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