Mohon tunggu...
Fadhilah Namirah
Fadhilah Namirah Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Mahasiswa

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The 1

6 November 2022   20:23 Diperbarui: 6 November 2022   20:35 77
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

To my other half
That currently listening to his sound of mind
Sitting right beside me

Your thoughtfulness is what keeping me alive
Your sweetness is what keeping me smile
And your beautiful soul is what keep making me falling for you every single day over and over again.

The blue sky over the beach that keeps remind me of you.
The sound of the beach wave that sound so peaceful just like when i'm with you.
And the familiar feeling that almost feel like home.

We were dancing in the beach
The joy and affection I feel, is nothing like I've ever felt before.
it's weird at first but then it's exactly the feeling i've longed looking for my whole life

And that was the moment I knew....

Mohon tunggu...

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