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My Short Story

29 Desember 2021   22:23 Diperbarui: 29 Desember 2021   22:25 318
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Haru And Sherin

One day, in a very cold city on one of the islands of Java. There is one very famous school there. A school that is loved by many students, SMA Negeri 1 Bandung. The first choice of school when going to the Senior High School. In school, two girls have been friends from the beginning of school. Those who are always together under any circumstances, Haru and Sherin. Haru, a fat girl but very smart. She is always in the spotlight of all teachers at school. Sherin, a girl who is petite and very beautiful but lacking in academics. She was in the spotlight of many boys in her school. They are very different in that regard but they are always cheerful all the time. There wasn't any time they didn't spend together at school.

[Student orientation]

At the time of initial student orientation, all students are required to wear a farmer's hat. Students must also create a name tag by writing the name of the group that has been determined. In addition, they must bring 5 red, yellow, green, blue, and purple balloons.

[Sherin side]

Sherin had prepared everything well. She departed by ordering Goride while carrying all the prepared items. On the way, Sherin had a lot of difficulty in holding the 5 balloons. She felt the balloon always wanted to fly and escape from her grasp.

"Just a little longer," said in her heart.

She keeps trying and successfully saves her 5 balloons. However, unexpectedly when she wanted to enter the gate, the balloon she was carrying was punctured by a tree branch at the school. "DOORRR" was the sound of a purple balloon exploding so loudly that it took her by surprise.

Sherin panicked because she didn't have a replacement balloon. She saw many sellers in the suburb of the school. Unfortunately, none of them sell purple balloons. Sherin was very scared and confused about what she should do. She decided to enter the school with the remaining 4 balloons. Sherin entered the school with her head down and anxious about what would happen there.

Sherin walked towards the field by avoiding the student council members who were in front of the gate. She was afraid to be asked if the balloon she had was lacking in purple balloon. Arriving at the field, the feeling of confusion increased because she did not know the whereabouts of her group. Sherin felt bad for the first time. She almost had tears in her eyes.

[Haru's side]

On the other side, with the same conditions, Haru has prepared everything she needs well. That night, when Haru prepares 5 balloons that must be brought, it immediately crosses her mind to bring a spare balloon for tomorrow. Haru thinks if the balloon she's carrying will burst or fly away, then she has a replacement and there's no need to worry about it.

The next day, Haru is ready to leave full of enthusiasm. She took the bus to get to school. The Bus atmosphere at that time was bustling and crowded but Haru had no other choice. If she waited for the next bus to arrive, she would be late for school. She boarded the bus and took great care of the five balloons. She stood in a corner to avoid the crowd.

After 30 minutes, Haru finally arrived at school. All safe, no resistance in the way. She was very relieved and walked with a big smile into the school. Haru belongs to the Sakura group. She didn't know where she should gather from the hundreds of students in the field. One of Haru's upperclassman asks her,

"Hello, what team are you?" asked upperclassman.

"I'm sakura group," replied Haru.

"You can gather in the third row, the sakura group gathers there," while pointing at the sakura group in the field.

"Okay, thank you," Haru immediately walked the field to gather with the Sakura group.

[Their first meeting]

In the middle field, she saw a girl with a very scared and confused face. At first, Haru ignored it and continued walking. However, she was curious about what had happened to her and Haru finally approached the student.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Haru while holding the shoulder of the student.

"I see you are very scared and confused from a distance."

"Are you okay?" Haru continued.

Sherin's tears finally fell. At that moment, She saw the sight in front of her then felt a hand grab her left shoulder. Sherin was surprised to see students facing her and asked her conditions.

"I'm okay," Sherin answered spontaneously.

However, her expression said otherwise. Everyone could see that things weren't all right. Haru didn't believe it and asked again,

"Seriously? you look so confused and scared."

Finally, Sherin ventured to tell everything even though she didn't know her. Sherin thought that maybe she could help her.

"I was so scared because of my balloon. When I walked in, my purple balloon got stabbed. I don't have a replacement now. I've looked at the balloon seller around, but there's no purple balloon. I don't know what to do now," Sherin replied in a weak tone.

Haru who knew it immediately took it with her spare balloon. Without thinking, she immediately opened the bag was carrying and took out a purple balloon. She immediately gave it to her.

"Here, I have a spare balloon," while giving her a purple balloon. Sherin saw the balloon immediately burst into tears and said,

"Are you serious? Is this really for me?"

"Yeah, take this," answered Haru.

Sherin spontaneously hugs Haru and is very grateful to her because her help is helpful today. Haru hugged by Sherin was also surprised. She immediately replied to this and said,

"Here, take my balloon and blow it up before the orientation starts."

Sherin unleash the hug and immediately blew a purple balloon given by her who she didn't know her name.

"Thank you, thank you very much. You are my hero today," said Sherin.

"You're welcome," replied Haru. After the balloon is fully inflated. Haru left Sherin but Sherin immediately called her,

"Hey, wait!! I don't know your name yet," Sherin immediately approached Haru's hand.

"I'm Sherina Angelia, you can call me Sherin. What's your name?"

"I'm Kim Haru, you can call me Haru," while shaking Sherin's hand. They finally got to know each other.

[Class division]

All goes well. Haru and Sherin had a very enjoyable orientation time together. This is the moment that all students including Haru and Sherin have been waiting for, class division. They hope to be in the same class together.

The teacher begins to mention the names of students and also the class that will be occupied.

"Good Morning, students. I will mention grades 10.1 to 10.6 with the names of the students. Starting from class 10.1"

"Aqila Jora, Annisa Marwah, Andi Fawwaz,..." the teacher continues to mention each name until the end.

Haru and Sherin were anxious because their names weren't called until they were in grade 10.4 by then. The teacher kept mentioning it.

"Now, class 10.5" 

"Arga junior, Andrea Suci, ...." the teacher keeps mentioning.

"Next, Kim Haru, Kunto Ajril, Muhammad Feri..." Haru heard it. She immediately happy and Haru finally entered class 10.5 and said to Sherin,

"Sherin, I'm in grade 10.5. I hope we're in the same class."

"Yes, I hope so," answered Sherin anxiously because her name had not been called yet.

When they are busy talking. The teacher also mentioned Sherin's name.

"Sherin Angelia, Sarah Marbella, Tasya Timothy,..." said the teacher.

Sherin immediately shouted, "Yeaayyy, we are classmates!!"

Sherin immediately hugged Haru. Haru also returned Sherin's hug. They felt that maybe they were meant to be together.

The teacher finished mentioning all the classes and all the names of the students. The class division has ended and all students are welcome to go home and learning begins tomorrow morning according to the class that has been said.

"Haru, I wanna say thank you again for all your help today. I'm going home. See you tomorrow," while waving a hand to Haru.

"You're exaggerating Sher, be careful on the road. See you tomorrow too," Haru also waved a hand to Sherin.

[Next day]

Haru is very excited about her first day of school. One of her dreams came true to be able to enter her favorite schools in Bandung. Haru had arrived in the classroom and immediately looked for a seat. Some of her classmates came one after another. However, Sherin hasn't come yet. Not long after, Sherin comes. Haru immediately waved her hand to Sherin and invited Sherin to sit together. Sherin went straight to where Haru sat.

"Hi, good morning," Sherin greeted.

"Good morning," Haru replied.

They also talked and get to know other classmates. They were very fun talking together while waiting for the bell to ring.

Ringgg...Ring....Ring.... (Bell rings indicating class is about to start)

A female teacher enters the classroom. Haru and Sherin carried out the first lesson smoothly. They continued until it finally break time.

"Haru, let's go to the canteen," asked Sherin.

Haru took out her lunchbox while saying, "I bring lunch."

"Come with me to the canteen first, I want to buy lunch. I'm so hungry right now."


They walked together towards the canteen. On the way, countless people looked at the two of them, especially the male students. Sherin looked very calm, but Haru was very uncomfortable with the situation and asked Sherin,

"Sher, do you feel like you're being watched?" asked Haru.

"Leave them alone, they're all not obvious," answer Sherin.

"But they seem more to be looking at you."

"Ssshh Haruu," while putting her index finger on her lips.

Now and then the male students do cat calling to them. Haru who had heard Sherin, just let it go and continued walking towards the canteen. Arriving at the canteen, Sherin immediately bought fried rice.

"Come on, do you have anything to buy Ruru?" ask Sherin.

"Ruru??" Haru answered with a confused face.

"Yeah, I'm calling you now. RURU," while chuckling.

"Sherin Sherin. It's up to you, no problem."

"Okay, let's go back to class. There's nothing I want to buy too," continued Haru.

Sherin nodded in response.

They returned to class. When they arrived in class, they immediately ate their food and had to say,

"It's crazy, as long as we go to the canteen and come back again. A lot of people are watching, but they're looking more at you Sher."

"I told you, just leave them alone. I'm really don't like this happens."

"You're so beautiful, it makes them look at you like that."

"Don't be like that. I'm normal, they're just too much."

They continued to eat and when they were done, the bell rang.

Ringgg... riing... ring...

Haru and Sherin continued the lesson until it was finished. The day went smoothly and pleasantly for them. They separated and returned to their homes.

"Bye. See you tomorrow," sherin said while waving hand.

"Bye," Haru also waving hand.

[Group work]

The days went on as usual. They do it together every day at school. Now, they were waiting for the math teacher to come into the classroom. Mathematics is a very disliked and difficult subject for Sherin. Not with Haru, according to her, math is a subject that she really likes and looks forward to. They are quite the opposite of this one subject.

The teacher comes...

"Morning students.." the teacher said.

"Morning Ma'am.."

"Today, we will learn about algebra."

"Huff, I hate algebra. No, I hate everything about math," Sherin said.

"It does look difficult but if we enjoy and understand, everything will easy," Haru replied.

"Don't worry... if you don't understand, I'll help," added Haru.

"You are the best," while giving thumbs up.

They continued...

At the end of the lesson, the teacher said that she would give group assignments. Students can choose groups of three people each to discuss further algebra. Assignments are collected next week when learning mathematics.

The teacher left the class.

"Anyway, we're a group. How about we invite Arga? Because as far as I know, he's good at math too. what is your opinion?" Sherin said.

"Why not Andrea? She is also good at math. You also know that, right?"

"Hmmm, that's fine. Okay, let's inivite and ask Andrea."

They walked over to Andrea. Without further do, Sherin immediately invited Andrea to join them.

"Andrea, do you want to join us?"

Andrea, who heard it, was shocked because she didn't think that Sherin and Haru had invited her to a group together. Without a long thought, Andrea immediately agreed to Sherin's invitation.

"How about we do it today, shall we? At Haru's house, right??" with a seductive face.

"Why at my house? I don't want it," replied Haru.

"Yes.. let's go," replied Andrea at the same time.

"Andrea also agrees, Ru, can I? We'll do the homework in your house."

Haru finally agreed and they went to Haru's house.

Arriving at Haru's house, they immediately do the homework that must be done. Suddenly, Andrea asked them something,

"You've been friends for a long time, haven't you?" asked Andrea.

Haru and Sherin looked at each other and laughed.

"We met at the beginning of the orientation period, but we're close," said Sherin.

"I and the others also thought that both of you had been friends for a long time. Turns out, not too long ago."

"It hasn't been long but I already consider Haru is one of my best friends," Sherin answered.

"You guys are funny, you look like the number 10," said Andrea with a laugh.

"Why 10?" asked Haru.

"Sherin is thin, beautiful like number 1, and you are fat like number 0," continued laughing Andrea.

Haru responded with a small laugh.

Sherin immediately looked at Andrea with the dislike of her words. She shouldn't have said that. Sherin immediately diverted the conversation and continued working on the task. Finally, the task is finished.

The clock shows 17:00. Sherin and Andrea immediately said goodbye with Haru and they went home. Haru enters the house.

After Haru entered the house, Sherin immediately called Andrea to reprimand her for what she said earlier.

"Ndre, what do you mean by saying that to Haru?" 

"What if your words hurt Haru? Don't you think?" she added.

Andrea heard Sherin's said immediately fell silent for a moment. However, she felt that what she said was not wrong.

"That's how it is," Andrea answered.

"Your words are nasty. You shouldn't say something like that to Haru. Don't let you say that again in front of me. I won't accept it," Sherin immediately left Andrea.

[At night, Haru's room]

It crossed her mind about what Andrea said. If think about it, what Andrea said is true. Unexpectedly, Andrea's words hurt her heart and stuck in her mind. Haru wanted to think it was just a joke but her heart said otherwise. She approached the mirror and saw herself in the mirror.

"Am I that fat?" spoken spontaneously.

Haru immediately erased her bad thoughts. She tries to understand it and encourages herself to stay motivated and not have to think about unimportant words. She should focus on studying so that she can reach her dream university later. Whatever people said, she knows what is best for her. Haru continued to study and sleep.

[End of 10th grade]

All went well for Sherin, but it was different for Haru. Haru runs her days quite hard. It started with Andrea's words and the more words like that she got. Sherin didn't know. Unknowingly it hurt her heart even more. However, she tried hard to cover it up in front of Sherin. She is always cheerful and always smiling when she is with Sherin. When alone, Haru can't help it. She must have been crying.

"Haru, we're going to class division."

"Hopefully we can be in class again later. You have helped me a lot so far. I can do better in academics (grades) because of you, even though I'm also lazy sometimes hehe," said Sherin.

Sherin can always make Haru feel happy and forget a little about their bad words that hurt her heart. She hopes that this assumption will disappear when they got up class later. Although it's hard, she is very happy to be best friends with Sherin. Her days are full of color because of Sherin's behavior every day.

"Thanks, Sherin, you've always made my day," said Haru with a big smile.

"We're best friends and will continue to be like that," replied Sherin with a sweet smile.

[Life during 11th grade]

The vacation is over. Sherin spends vacation time in her hometown with her family. Meanwhile, Haru spends her time just at home, studying, and studying. Haru got the best grades in 10th grade. Several months have passed, everything is going well. Haru doesn't get harsh and nasty words. Haru is very happy and assumes that everyone understands her and accepts her as she is. Instantly that feeling disappeared, one day she was in the bathroom. A group of girls came up to her and asked about her friendship with Sherin.

"Kim Haru, how can you not be ashamed to be friends with Sherin. Do you know that Sherin is actually just taking advantage of you?" said the gang leader.

Haru who heard it was surprised and was silent for a moment. She didn't listen to what they said. She believes in Sherin. Sherin couldn't possibly do something bad like that. She wanted to leave them but they stopped Haru.

"Where are you going? Are you afraid or do you want to snitched to Sherin?" said the gang leader followed by their evil laughter.

"Get out of the way, I have nothing to do with you. Don't say anything that's not true."

"You idiot, Sherin doesn't want to be friends with you. Sherin and you are only taking advantage of your intelligence." They kept emphasizing their words. All bad words were spoken by them. Haru held back her annoyance until she was not strong with their chatter and ran away from them.

Arriving in class, she kept thinking whether what they said was true. It kept filling her brain until she couldn't focus on the lesson. Undeniably, her expression was very obvious and Sherin realized it. Sherin felt that there was something wrong with Haru. She was very curious, she immediately asked Haru,

"Ru, are you okay? I can see that you have a lot on your mind. If there is a problem, you can talk to me. I can help you if you have trouble or have a problem," Sherin said.

"I'm okay, Sher. I'll tell you if there's a problem" Haru replied with a small smile.

"I know you're not okay. We've known for a long time, Ru. Don't hide anything from me."

"Sher, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy, it will go away."

"Do you want to go to the school's health clinic? If you're sick, let me accompany you to the school's health clinic."

"Don't worry Sher. Don't worry, I'm really fine."

"How about we eat in the canteen later, I'm bored of eating in a class all the time," Haru continued to change the conversation.

"OK, come on," answered Sherin excitedly.

Haru managed to divert the conversation and managed to hide everything from Sherin. She didn't want her to know about it. After all, she was afraid of the fact that Sherin was that mean to her. However, Haru still believes in Sherin. She was still able to hold it in herself, hoping that time would explain everything.

[Math Olympiad]

Math lessons in progress. All students are working on the assignments given by the teacher. During the silence, the teacher announced about the math olympiad.

"All children, there is an inter-school math olympiad event held by SMA Negeri 2 Bandung. I hope that some of you can participate in this Olympic selection to represent our school," said the teacher.

The teacher walked over to Haru and Sherin's seat and said, "Especially you, Haru. I highly recommend you to take part in the selection."

"Sherin, you must follow Haru. She is very good at math. You are her classmate from 10th grade. I can see there is no change."

"I'm sorry ma'am, Haru and I are different, can't be equated. Haru is Haru, me is me. You can't told me to be good at math like Haru. Everyone has their interests and abilities," answered Sherin annoyed.

"Calm down, Sherin. Don't fight it," appeases Sherin.

"Yes ma'am, I will register for the Olympic selection later. Thank you for the information you gave me," Haru continued to answer the teacher's said.

"Be patient Sherin. What the teacher said was a little too much. Don't get emotional, okay?"

"I don't like her words. Luckily I have you, Haru. Otherwise, I might have exploded," with a smile. There is still an annoyance in her heart that cannot be denied and will always be remembered. On the other hand, she must give full support to Haru. She should do that then think hurtful words.

"Don't waste this opportunity, Ru. You must be able to become one of the students who represent our school and defeat the host which is always the strongest enemy in every match. I always support you Ruru. GO RURU!" while showing hands clenched excitedly.

Haru is no less excited and has been waiting for this opportunity to come. Haru immediately enrolled herself after school.

The time has come...

Haru successfully passed the selection and became one of the representatives of her school with two other students. They also went to SMA Negeri 2 Bandung with several support teams include Sherin. Sherin was happy with the success of her best friend, Ruru. She will support whatever the results obtained later. She was already proud of Ruru.

Haru's group managed to beat all the other schools until they were in the final round, of course against the host. In the first round, Haru's group won with a total score of 80-20. However, in the second half, both scores were tied with a total score of 100-100. So, a determination round will be held to determine who will be the First Winner in this Olympics. Sherin also felt the tension in the hall. She was very worried and wished the best for Ruru's group. She hopes they can do their best and become winners.

The match was very fierce and tense, both of them chasing each other's score. In the end, Haru's group managed to beat the host and came out in first place in the math olympiad.

Both have a draw score. when the last question is given, the host group answers first but the answer is wrong. Haru's group get a chance to answer and their answers are CORRECT. All the support team and teachers immediately shouted happily at this success. Likewise, Sherin cried with joy for Ruru's success. The match is over.

Sherin approached Haru,


"I am happy and very proud of you for being the winner," Sherin said with full of emotion. The teacher came to them.

"Congratulations Haru, I wasn't wrong in recommending you to join the Olympics. You are, Sherin. Look, Haru can make the school proud with his achievements," The teacher left after saying this.

"Relax Sherin," while holding her shoulder and smiling.

Sherin replied with an annoyed nod. She had no idea. Should a teacher say that to her students? It is not appropriate for teachers to compare students like that. Sherin hated the teacher. On the other hand, she feels jealous of Haru who is very smart and has good achievements for the efforts she has made.

They all go home...

After the Olympics, Sherin got a lot of bad talk from her teachers. Some of the teachers always compare her to Haru. Sherin is fed up with all this talk. Sherin had tried her best but to no avail. The teachers still compare her. She didn't know what else to do.

Unlike Haru, she gets a lot of praise from almost all the teachers at her school. Everyone knows her by her achievements. Haru is happy with that. However, some students still don't like it. Many of them still don't like their friendship because of their physicality. They don't care about her achievements. All of them think about is destroying her friendship with Sherin. They both have their problems. Keep each other's secrets and worries. Sherin doesn't want to disturb Haru's success by thinking of herself getting a bad talk from the teachers. Likewise, Haru doesn't want Sherin to know that she is often bullied and asked to stay away from Sherin. The rest of their 11th grade was lived hard and took care of each other.

The holidays have arrived...

Haru has plans to go on vacation with her family and she wants to invite Sherin to join her on her vacation trip. She called Sherin.

"Hello, Sherin. What are you doing now?" 

"Nothing, Ru. Just laying down in bed. What are you calling me for?"

"Sher, I want to take you on vacation. My family and I want to go to Jogja and I hope you can join us, Sher. Do you want to join or not? " 

"WOAH JOGJA!! I really want to join with you," answered Sherin excitedly.

"As expected, the most excited when invited to go on vacation."

"Ru. Who doesn't like being invited on a vacation? Hahaha"

"On the 20th, we will go. We plan to stay there for 5 days. OK?"

"Ok. I can't wait to go there."

"Well, I'll see you later. Bye."

"See you, bye."

Haru and Sherin vacation together in Yogyakarta. They enjoyed their vacation. Exploring the city of Yogyakarta is beautiful and fun. Visit historical places, enjoy Yogyakarta culinary, and don't forget to take pictures for memories. There are no bad days when on vacation. Everything feels happy. Sherin hopes to vacation with Haru again, visiting other cities. Haru's family is also very kind to her. She is so lucky to have a best friend like Haru.

[Beginning of 12th grade]

Haru and Sherin are approaching the end of the school year. This time there is a difference. They parted ways, no longer in the same class together. Haru is in class 10.1 while Sherin is in class 10.3. Even though they are in a different class, they still like to go to the canteen together. They have not been told what the problems they feel with each other. They only hope that the separation of classes will reduce the bad talk. All can be passed well until the end without problem.

However, reality said otherwise for Haru. Haru is getting bullied by many students because of her physique without Sherin knowing. Meanwhile, Sherin was relieved, happy, and her wish came true because she was no longer compared to Haru. Sherin had heard rumors about Haru being bullied, she immediately asked Haru but she always denied it and said that she had never been bullied by anyone. Sherin trusted Haru.

It's been almost half a semester, other words bothered Haru. She became more silent when she was with Sherin. When the learning takes place, Haru also daydreams a lot and doesn't focus. Until in the end, Haru decided to stay away from Sherin. She always makes excuses when Sherin asks Haru to go to the canteen together or do other things. Sherin understands, maybe Haru is busy. Their friendship is slightly apart. Sherin increasingly feels Haru's changes, Sherin misses her a lot. Usually, days are done together but now, they can't. Sherin decides to come to Haru's house during the school holidays without telling Haru. She wanted to know what had happened to her best friend. She wants to get better and can do things together again like before.

Sunday come...

Sherin rushed to Haru's house. Arriving, she immediately knocked on the door, and Haru opened the door. Haru looked at Sherin and was surprised because she didn't know it at all.

"Sherin.." Haru said with a surprised face.

"Hey Ru, how are you?" Sherin asked happily.

"I'm good, come in."

They entered the house to Haru's room...

[Haru's Room]

Sherin immediately said, "I really miss you, Ru. You've been very busy lately. We rarely play together either. So, I decided to make it to your house without telling you. Surprise!!" with a small laugh.

"There's always your behavior Sher. Luckily I'm at home," Haru replied.

"I know you must be at home."

"Ru, I want to talk to you," continued Sherin.

Haru seemed to know what Sherin was going to ask her. She didn't know what to say next. Should be honest or keep it to herself? Haru didn't want Sherin to know, but she couldn't hold it in alone anymore. She remembers what Sherin's said. Whatever the problem, it must discuss.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything," Said in Haru's heart.

"RURU, why are you muse?!" in a high tone.

Haru who heard was surprised and replied, "I'm sorry Sher, why?" 

"Ru, what are you doing? Lately, you avoid and stay away from me. I wild dog you to the canteen, but you don't want to accompany me. Did I have some mistakes for you?" asked Sherin.

"I'm sorry, Sher. Honestly, it's really hard for me to live these days. I kept everything to myself for almost 3 years. I don't want to make you think over about me. So, I feel it all myself. I realize if I'm not strong and need your help now," Haru answered.

"I bullied by many students at school many times. They always talk about my physique. They always say I don't deserve to be friends with you because I'm fat. They also often say that you only take advantage of me and others. I believe you're not that bad but the more and more the bad words that they said and that bothers me a lot. So, I decided to stay away from you. So, I wouldn't be bullied like that. Do I not deserve a friend like you Sher?" continued Haru in a low and sad tone.

Unknowingly, Haru shed a tear. Sherin heard her honesty was very hurt and sad. Sherin immediately hugged Haru tightly while shedding tears. Sherin understands how Haru feels. Everything was hard, she had also felt the same way. Haru needs herself.

"How could I not know this?" said in Sherin's heart.

They hugged for a long time then Sherin said,

"Why didn't tell, Ru? Why? Why are you keeping everything from me? If I had known, we can solve it together and silence all their bad words.ho was very sad just kept silent and cried.

"Tell me everything, anyone who bullied you and said that I was only taking advantage of you."

"I'm right, it turns out that my feelings are not wrong. Sherin is sincere. They are only jealous of our friendship," said in Haru's heart.

Haru tells everything from the beginning, Andrea's words that hurt her and everything that happened to her. Sherin who heard hugged Haru again.

Sherin said, "From now, you don't have to worry, Ru. I will talk to all of them so that they all shut up and no longer bother you. I talked to Andrea as soon as we got home from your house. I don't like those who talk about my best friends like that." 

"Ruru, listen to me. You are pretty. No matter how physical you are, you are beautiful. They only know beauty only from the physical. You are beautiful inside and outside. They don't know you as I know you. Let them say whatever they want, let's say it is just a gust of wind. Just be yourself. Living the best life is to be yourself not for others. So, you don't ever feel inferior. OK?" Sherin said while holding Haru's shoulders with both hands and smiling.

Haru is super lucky to have a best friend like Sherin. It shouldn't cover all of this. Sherin is the best.

"Thanks, Sherin. Thank you for always supporting me in any situation. I'm sorry I hide everything up. I'm sorry that I may not be your best friend for you. I know you are sad and have a hard time going through the day because the teachers compare you to me and I can only calm you down. I'm so sorry, Sherin," while crying.

"I've already forgiven you, Ruru. You are my best friend too. I never think bad things about you. For that matter, it's all over. I'm a strong woman. Take it easy haha," answered Sherin a little haughty.

Haru heard it relieved and laughed. They also promised not to keep anything a secret anymore. Whatever the problem that occurs, immediately tell and overcome together.

Haru and Sherin managed to silence all the talks of the people at school. All of them apologize to Haru for their bad behavior and words. No one else dared to talk about them. Haru and Sherin are back as before. They spent the rest of their time at school happily and graduated together with the best results.


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