Mohon tunggu...
Ame Padjari
Ame Padjari Mohon Tunggu... Wirausahawati -

a loony adventurer





2 Juni 2016   21:42 Diperbarui: 2 Juni 2016   21:52 15
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Out of date

Out of time

Everybody has leaving

And I left behind


Don’t know since when

I prefer to stop thinking stop feeling

and just keep walking

..(in a ring)

without even seeing

without even knowing


Like a spell I keeps telling myself,

: Just bear with it,

..the tiresome

..the boresome

..the lonesome

It is just another storm

Enjoy it

..until the last blew of the wind

..until the last drip of the rain

Through and through..

Then embrace the bright emptiness

that awaits in the end

..But, for how long?

In so many times,

I thought I have reached my limit

But, “No,” You said

“There are more,

So much more ahead.”

So, of my dumbness I questioned You,

: Why?

..why You makes me like this?

..why You makes me bear it? it not enough already?

And with smile that always entaced,

You embrace me,

and whisper in my ear,

: Because I love you,

..because I can’t stand you love any other more

..because I want you to love Me,

..just Me,

..and Me alone

But, I’m a fool

I keeps failing to see feel know understand

And so I keeps running away

..from You




You may telling me in many languages

I’ll take it

..because I am.

Bengkulen, dualima di sebelas limabelas

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
Mohon tunggu...

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