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Benhardi Dicka
Benhardi Dicka Mohon Tunggu... -

- Majoring in English Literature at University of Methodist Indonesia - Love to read novel especially science fiction and love poetry - my greatest dream is I want to become a poet and an author - Like solitude and to be alone because that's where I can find my inspiration Though my poems is still not good enough, I'm going to do my best and I will keep learning and improving. . ^^




That Time

26 Agustus 2014   06:22 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   02:33 3
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

That time you called my name

I disable all my senses

You keep calling

You ran toward me

Hold my hand tightly

You said I’m your rib

That time you entered my world

Upside down you turned it

A whole new life begun

A new story to tell

That time you shared first kiss to me beside the lake

Fairies are dancing with joy

Wind is whistling love words

Doves are singing love songs

Moon light shine our love

Starlit form our love

Bond of affection that I think last for eternity

That time you turned your back on me

Like shattered pieces of mirror I be

You chose another story to make

And leave our story behind

Am I not worthy if I wanted to be only part of your life?

Am I wrong if I wanted you to be the only breath that I take?

Am I selfish if I wanted you to be my only sunshine?

Am I naive if I wanted you to be my only valentine?

That time I beg you please always be my rib

Without any words

You left on 25th December winter night

Without looking back how it’s all started

And how It’s supposed to end.

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