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Renaldi Rahma
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The Soul of Wounded Soldier

3 Januari 2022   19:55 Diperbarui: 3 Januari 2022   20:04 129
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After he tell the story I ask him “Is there are a message for people you want to say?”, then he reply “Even the smallest thing you do with your friend is sometimes very valuable for him, don’t ever waste your friend heart because when you disappoint him, you just same as you kill him” , then he drink a cup of tea and continue “when you make your friend disappointed it not just show that you kill his soul, it also show that you are hurt him and give him wound or bleeding for his entire life”. After that he take a toy soldier and a red paint, then he paints the toy soldier with the paint and said, “if you can see my actual soul this is my soul after they disappoint me.” 

After a long time, I knew why people call him a wounded soldier, it not all about physic wound, when you can go to doctor and heal it, there are also psychological or feeling wounds that you cannot heal, and it will with you while you are alive.

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