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Romi Arkan
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My Own Novel, Coming in Pieces (2)

31 Agustus 2014   00:31 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   02:03 18
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“I see. So who's going to pick you up when you get here?”

“By taxi? I don't know, mate. We have so much luggage here. I've got to ask my parents about it.”

“Ring me on any updates you have. Just do it via SMS okay? I'm losing 50 pence per minute spend on calling you from here.”

“Is that so? I thought I should be the one who loses credits for receiving international phone calls.”

“Maybe we both do. Anyway, thanks for calling me. I can't wait to have fun with you again once you get here. See you around.”

“I'll look forward to it. It's what mates are for.”

“Hey brother, you got mates there?”

“Don't you remember Andre? You've met him before.”

“Well, we don't actually hang out together so I can't tell if I remember.”

“Then I'll re-introduce you to him when we get there.”

“Oh yeah, what time is it now?”

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  2. 2
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