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My Own Novel, Coming in Pieces (2)

31 Agustus 2014   00:31 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   02:03 18
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“Yeah I know that too, idiot. I mean what kind of places will we visit?”

“There are beaches, shopping centres, hills, and a go-kart track.”

“Oh that's why you brought the bike.”

“Yes, when I have nothing to do I'm going to tackle the hills. Oh, speaking about the bike, we have to take the luggages, come on.”

“Hold on, did the bike got on board?”

“Oh yes, I made sure of it.”

What Rory did was secretly walk out of the waiting room and sneak around the plane he'll get on board to Kuala Lumpur and tries to spot his box-packed bike. He couldn't find it at first and then he got to the management's office and stole a high-visibility jacket and then look for his bike. He eventually found it and then rallies it to the plane just before the airport officers finished loading the cargo. Of course the airport officer thanked him for bringing the bike over and they didn’t realize that he isn’t even one of the airport officers. After that, he hurried back to the waiting room after returning the jacket he stole earlier. What he did was brilliant but at the same time lacking second thought because if he got caught, he might not get out of Britain.

But since his bike is on his possession before they get to the transit counter, he didn't have to do the same thing again. The family then reported themselves to the transit counter before proceeding further. After reporting to the transit counter, he called an old friend of his at Batam. His name is Andre. Andre and Rory were close mates back at Scotland before Andre moved to Batam with his parents three years ago.

“Andre? You there?”

“Rory! Have you landed in Batam?”

“I'm close now. I'm in Kuala Lumpur.”

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