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Muhebullah Jamali
Muhebullah Jamali Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - Masters in Human Resources Developement

My hobbies are playing football, cricket, reading books and searching academic journals.



Ilmu Sosbud

An Article about The Impact of The Pandemic on Music Industry Marketing and Promotion

16 Juni 2023   21:27 Diperbarui: 16 Juni 2023   21:31 111
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The music industry, like many other industries, has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that has spread all over the world. But in an unprecedented manner. With the sudden halt of live events, individuals in the art and industry fields had to modify their marketing and promotion methods to navigate the unfamiliar situation due to the halt of live events, concerts, and tours, artists and individuals in the music industry had to discover creative methods to engage with their fans and market their music. This article explores how the music industry has adapted its marketing and promotional methods are analyzed, emphasizing the essential alterations and innovative methods implemented by artists, labels, and marketers in response to the pandemic, examine the main approaches and actions to be taken by musicians and industry professionals in these difficult circumstances as well as the ideas from the sources person Mr. Punari, S.Sos.M.Si which I had interviewed.

1: Change towards Digital Raised area:

Artists had to look for alternative ways to connect with their audience due to the shutting down of concert venues and the cancellation of tours. The music industry experienced a considerable change towards digital area raised, as a consequence. Music promotion has become immensely reliable on streaming raised areas such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. Artists and record companies collaborated in order to use playlist inclusion, partnering with social media influencers, and performing live online, all with the intention of keeping fans interested and keeping their profiles high.

2: Social Media Commitment and Influencer Marketing:

Social media platforms played a significant role in the promotion of music as people spent more time online. To promote a sense of community, musicians and record labels concentrate on producing interesting content, behind-the-scenes videos, and interactive challenges. Influencer marketing also became more well-known as a result of musicians' partnerships with well-known social media influencers, which helped them reach new audiences and increase music sales.

3: Practical Concerts: The Growth of Immersive Online Experiences:

Due to the cancellation or postponement of traditional live concerts, artists have turned to virtual performances as a way to engage their audience. Intimate, immersive experiences from artists could be delivered right to fans' homes thanks to the prominence of streaming platforms, social media, and virtual reality technologies. In addition to giving artists a financial lifeline, these virtual concerts produced exceptional opportunities for brand collaborations, marketing alliances and sponsorships.

4: New Tactics for Fan Engagement:

Because there were no more live performances, musicians looked for new ways to interact with their audience. Artists have the opportunity to interact with their audience more personally through virtual meet-and-greets, fan Q&A sessions, and exclusive online events. A sense of community and engagement was fostered by artists' adoption of user-generated content campaigns, which urged fans to produce and share their own music-related content.

5: Rise of Effective Concerts and Live courses:

The sudden increase in practical concerts and live course events was one of the most notable changes resulting from the pandemic. Artists used online raised areas to interact with their fans and give live performances after social distancing measures were put in place. The artists worked with brands, courting services, and social media platforms to promote their events, which opened up novel marketing opportunities. Artists could earn money and reach a wider audience by entering into sponsorship agreements, partnerships and ticket sales.

During the pandemic, live courting emerged as the preferred method for artists to interact with their fans. Live streamed performances and virtual concerts have become extremely popular, enabling musicians to perform in the privacy of their homes for a large audience. Live chats, donations, and virtual goods were frequently incorporated into these events, resulting in a distinctive fan experience.

6: Effective Experiences and Innovative Strategies:

Due to the cancellation or postponement of live concerts and festivals, the music industry resorted to creative strategies and virtual experiences. The section delves into the rise of virtual concerts, live streaming, and interactive fan engagement methods, which have allowed artists to stay connected with their fans (Brown & Lee, 2021; Anderson et al., 2022). The discussion also covers how virtual experiences are improved by the use of technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

7: The Future of Music Industry Marketing:

The music marketing and promotion industry has undergone permanent changes due to the pandemic's impact. This portion investigates the lasting consequences of the pandemic such as the merging of in-person and virtual events, greater dependence on data analytics for precise marketing, and the significance of creating robust online communities (Cohen et al., 2021; Clark & Robinson, 2023).


The marketing and promotion methods used by the music industry have been transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in a faster shift towards digital platforms and a significant change in how artists interact with their fans. Despite facing significant difficulties, the industry has shown resilience and creativity by adopting novel technologies and tactics to overcome the crisis. The insights gained during the pandemic will still play a significant role in shaping the marketing and promotional activities of the music industry as the world recuperates.


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