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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs: A Second Life Chance

29 Januari 2024   07:46 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2024   07:57 88
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Spontaneously, he searched for me in the murky water mixed with gasoline, oil, and blood. However, he only found Ibu Tati and several other passengers who were trapped inside the bus and, according to him, seemed to have already passed away.

My father, with a broken leg and arm, managed to survive after finding a broken window and forcing his way out of the submerged bus in the river's depth.

Due to the accident, my father, mother, and brother were all hospitalized for some time. Eventually, Pak Lik Joko visited us in the hospital and once at home before returning to East Timor.

Alhamdulillah, our family ultimately survived that terrible bus accident and was given a second chance at life by Allah SWT.

According to the narrator's mother, what does she not remember about the accident?
a) The exact location of the accident
b) How she fell asleep
c) The medical treatment details
d) The color of the bus

How did the narrator's father survive the accident?
a) By finding an open window and swimming to safety
b) By staying inside the submerged bus until rescue
c) By escaping before the collision occurred
d) By being rescued by a passerby

What was the condition of the water in which the narrator's father searched for the narrator?
a) Clear and clean
b) Mixed with gasoline, oil, and blood
c) Crystal clear
d) Contaminated with chemicals

How did the narrator wake up during the accident?
a) In the water, being brought swimming by an "angel"
b) Inside the bus, still submerged
c) On the riverbank, surrounded by rescuers
d) In the hospital receiving medical treatment

Who visited the narrator's family in the hospital and at home after the accident?
a) The bus driver
b) Pak Lik Joko
c) Ibu Tati
d) Passersby who helped in the rescue

By Kartika E.H.

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