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Ruang Kelas

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs: A Second Life Chance

29 Januari 2024   07:46 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2024   07:57 88
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I distinctly remember that in the truck's bed, three or four other survivors, all of whom had broken bones and serious injuries on their bodies, were adults, and I was the only child. Unfortunately, I did not see my parents or my younger brother among the victims I witnessed.

According to my father, in the following years, after he had recovered and overcome the trauma, it turned out that the bus accident we experienced was like a clash of titans. Two buses speeding and facing each other happened to be above the river. Reportedly, both bus drivers died on the spot.

I do not know how my mother and my younger brother, who sat in the front, managed to survive. Until today, it remains a mystery to us. Both my mother and brother suffered broken legs, broken arms, and serious injuries in various parts of their bodies, similar to my father.
How were the narrator and several people on the riverbank rescued?
a) By the police
b) By the bus driver
c) By passersby
d) By the military

How was the narrator transported to the community health center (Puskesmas)?
a) By ambulance
b) By motorcycle
c) By an open-bed pickup truck
d) By a private car

What was the narrator's age during the bus accident?
a) Around 10 years old
b) Approximately 5 or 6 years old
c) Around 2 years old
d) 3 or 4 years old

How many other survivors were in the truck's bed with the narrator?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three or four
d) None

What happened to both bus drivers involved in the accident?
a) They survived with minor injuries.
b) They were not on the buses during the collision.
c) They died on the spot.
d) They escaped before the collision occurred.

Section 5

According to my mother, she also has no recollection of what happened during the accident. Whether she fell asleep or how it occurred, she was only aware when she was already receiving medical treatment at the same hospital where my younger brother was being treated.

The saddest part of the story is when my father recounts how he survived that horrendous accident. It seems that my father also fell asleep and woke up when he was in the water.

The difference is that I woke up when I was brought swimming by an "angel," while my father woke up while still trapped inside the bus that had sunk.

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