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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs: A Second Life Chance

29 Januari 2024   07:46 Diperbarui: 29 Januari 2024   07:57 88
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Interestingly, my parents always had different seating preferences when traveling long distances by bus. If my father, who usually drove everywhere himself, could enjoy the journey more when seated at the back, my mother, on the other hand, insisted on sitting in the front when using public transportation to avoid motion sickness.

Therefore, on that departure day, our seating arrangements were separated. My father and I sat at the back, while my mother and my younger brother, who is only a year younger than me, sat in the front seats.

Not long after the bus departed, light rain began to fall, gradually intensifying as we moved away from the terminal. During the journey, my father engaged in conversations with middle-aged women, whom he affectionately called "Ibu Tati," sitting across from him, separated by the bus aisle.

These Chinese-ethnic ladies seemed to adore children and, upon seeing me, commented on my striking resemblance to their grandchild living in another region. Ibu Tati kindly gave me candy, cakes, and other small treats, even offering to hold me if my father wanted to rest.

Why did the family have different seating preferences on long bus journeys?
a) To avoid motion sickness
b) To enjoy the scenic views
c) To have more legroom
d) To engage in conversations with others

Where did the father and the narrator sit during the bus journey?
a) In the front seats
b) Near the driver
c) In the back seats
d) Beside the bus aisle

Why did the mother prefer sitting in the front seats?
a) To have a better view
b) To engage in conversations
c) To avoid motion sickness
d) To be closer to the luggage area

What did the Chinese-ethnic ladies comment on when they saw the narrator?
a) Resemblance to their grandchild
b) Striking beauty
c) Similarity to the bus driver
d) Likeness to their children

What did Ibu Tati offer to do for the narrator?
a) Buy more snacks
b) Share her travel stories
c) Hold the narrator if the father wanted to rest
d) Switch seats for a better view

Section 3

Of course, at that age (around 3 or 4 years old), I was thrilled. Indeed, I was eventually cradled by Ibu Tati, and whether I fell asleep in her arms or how it happened, I truly don't remember anything beyond that point.

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