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No body can live happy without spirituality (Farihatul Qamariyah)




Karina's Lives; The Wheel o' Life

13 Juni 2013   19:46 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   12:04 102
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When I am coming out and looking at the front of hospital where daddy is lying down, suddenly my tears are dropping. I could bear this situation, I couldn't knock it off. "God, help me and give me your bless!", I whispered silently. Tonight, I keep staying in front of terrace of the hospital untill morning to register for the remission. Finally, I have to be absent of my work and my campus.


At 07.15 a.m, morning. Mr.Prass is curious why this morning Karina doesn't deliver the newspaper to his house. He just predicts that perhaps she has another duty which is more important and can't be leaved. Mr.Prass is actually is a doctor of one hospital in Yogyakarta. When he touchdowns in the hospital, at shocked, he finds Karina is sleeping closer by an old man in the terrace of the hospital. He comes closer her than wakes her up slowly. When she opens her eyes and finds Mr.Prass in front of her, she is so streaked by his presence.

dr.Prass: "Karina, obviously you are here, anthing wrong's going on?"

Karina just smiles sadly and tells everything happened on her by hopeless. Knowing that condition Dr.Prass suddenly decides to overcome her problem without using the hospital instructions to get free medical treatment. This is done by him because of Karina's characters that could make him proud and equitable to get a help from him.

dr.Prass: "Don't worry Dear, I will help you soon. Follow me!"


Note: This is a requirement of creative writing task fulfillment. It is taken from the real experiences of societies in being newspaper delivery man in Yogyakarta

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