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Redefining Priorities of Social Consciousnees, Narsisscm, Personal Well-Being: Publik Perspective amd How to Live Life

19 Desember 2023   11:56 Diperbarui: 19 Desember 2023   12:11 36
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

Personal well-being requires attention to physical and mental health, as well as a sense of satisfaction in life. Balancing attention to oneself with consideration for others and the environment is a crucial step toward balanced well-being.

Moreover, it's essential to strike a balance between personal well-being and social awareness. This can be achieved by building a healthy connection between meeting personal needs and making positive contributions to society. This means understanding values that are genuinely important to us, maintaining personal well-being without falling into a narcissistic circle, and making positive contributions to society.

So, living a meaningful life involves social awareness and personal well-being. It's about how we engage with the world around us with empathy and proactive contributions. It's also about finding a balance between personal development and social contribution, along with attention to our physical and mental states. It's an effort to build a more empathetic, inclusive, and balanced world in navigating this connected and dynamic modern life.

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