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Travel Story

Kansai International Airport (KIX), Japan: Our Journey Started

24 November 2015   23:07 Diperbarui: 24 November 2015   23:49 33
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(If you don’t understand about train’s stuff, please ask the station officer), he said.

We didn’t have any baggage so we went to custom checking directly while they were still waiting for their baggages in the baggage belt. Custom officer told us to take out stuffs from our backpacks as their normal checking procedure. Afraid of someting that might happened to us, the old man approached us and asked.

問題 ありますか。(Is there any problem?)

ありません, 生。(No, Sir)

After that, he went back to join his wife, waiting for their baggages. We waved our hands from far away, saying thank you and goodbye once again. Really friendly Japanese couple. The custom officer finished checking out backpacks and we finally said thanks. We thought that we would wait for them but custom officer told us to wait outside. After a long flight (CGK – KUL = 90 minutes, KUL-KIX = 8 hours 25 minutes), we took a break by sitting on a bench outside. For about 10 minutes then we went inside again. Hope that we could get a picture with them but they were not there anymore.



(Thank you, uncle, aunt. Hope we could meet you again next year)



We eat, we walk, we talk

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