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Ikwan Setiawan
Ikwan Setiawan Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - Kelahiran Lamongan, 26 Juni 1978. Saat ini aktif melakukan penelitian dan pendampingan seni budaya selain mengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember

Dosen dan Peneliti di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember



Sosbud Pilihan

Media Sosial, Politik Post-Truth, dan Tantangan Kebangsaan

3 November 2021   11:16 Diperbarui: 3 November 2021   11:24 1494
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Li, Xueqing , Francis L.F. Lee, and Ying Li. (2016). "The Dual Impact of Social Media Under Networked Authoritarianism: Social Media Use, Civic Attitudes, and System Support in China." International Journal of Communication, 10, 5143--5163.

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Maggie Walter. (2010). "Market Forces and Indigenous Resistance Paradigms", Social Movement Studies, 9(2), 121-137.

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Wilkes, Rima . (2006). "The Protest Actions of Indigenous Peoples: A Canadian-U.S. Comparison of Social Movement Emergence." American Behavioral Scientist, 50(4), 510-525.

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