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Cynanthia Feranti Anindya
Cynanthia Feranti Anindya Mohon Tunggu... -

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Praise for the Moon

19 Maret 2011   05:37 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:39 41
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Half moon under the sky, half moon under the sky.
Long has it been since last time we met; why the shy face, Luna?
Necessary not, the dark mask half over your face.
Faint has it always been, let your radiance conquer the night sky, my Queen.

Full moon above the forest, full moon above the forest.
Difficult to tell where my feet lead me to; where can I see your bright face clearly, my Queen?
Dear stars, subjects of the Queen, may I ask where the Castle of the Night lies?
Truly warm, your radiance is, under the dark tangles of the night wood.

Bright moon above the plains, bright moon above the plains.
Incapable of radiance you are without the Sun, conqueror of light, you may.
Keep shining, for people need you, feeling overshadowed as you may.
Your radiance shall reveal the path in the dark night.

Faint moon under the dark, faint moon under the dark.
So sad I am, seeing your radiance grows inferior to the town's dust.
Don't feel sad, Luna, for you are forever the Queen of the Night Sky.
Meet me again atop the hills, and shine along with the stars.

Pale moon beneath the azure, pale moon beneath the azure.
Sleep well, Queen of the Night. Rest in the conqueror's embrace, the Sun.
Shall we meet again as the night falls, guide me again through the sleepless night.

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