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Aulia Nur Shadrina
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A Cameo's Perspective

15 Januari 2024   21:50 Diperbarui: 15 Januari 2024   22:08 37
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Maybe I read too much Fairytales that I forgot,

I am not the main character.

Things didn't turn to my favor so that I could have everything I wanted.

There is no knight in shining armor, a handsome male lead who fulfills the role of a protector, a lover, and the empty role my Father was supposed to fill.

I don't have any sidekicks or a great ability to see the future, so whenever the 'villains' do me wrong, I cannot protect myself. 

Yet, when I stood up to protect myself, I would fail miserably and fall down, no one stood up for me.

Because again, I am not the main character.

I may only be a side character who exists solely to be the main character's friend, or even, a mere cameo whose only purpose is to wander around in the street --- like other hundreds of cameos --- so that the street looks lively enough for the main character to walk through.

However, I am hurt.

even if I am only a side character or a cameo, won't a happy ending come to me too?

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