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Aris Balu
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Menulis seputar fiksi dan fantasi || Bajawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur



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Let's Give In to Sadness... At Least for A While

15 Agustus 2022   07:54 Diperbarui: 15 Agustus 2022   08:38 137
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Let the midnight rain cool off your anger, wash away the coldness within, the one that always starves for attention

Remember your future, free from countless contemplation, of what should've been or what could be

Let the morning fog fight the smoking cigar, pet your dog, smile at its innocence

Fancy yourself a good drink, put the meat on the grill, and let the roasting smell  fills the best day of your life

And cry...

Like a child introduced to pain for the first time, like the soul of man when he sings the blues out of the strings of a guitar

After a while...

Reward your heart the ugliest smile,  for the tears may never truly dry nor the years grand you redemption

 But like the rose below the shade, a distant light will show you the right direction

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