Mohon tunggu...
Aris Balu
Aris Balu Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - Penulis

Menulis seputar fiksi dan fantasi || Bajawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur



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Puisi: "Ripped" by Aris Balu

13 Juni 2022   20:02 Diperbarui: 13 Juni 2022   20:13 170
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I let the smoke cloud my judgment,

For a while, my world flashed upon those white strings, dancing above the tears of losing you

I've been drinking, perhaps for too much,

For I cannot stomach the days of pretending to never loved you

I'm sorry, but it's too late now

No mortals could escape the cold embrace of time

Fate, like a streaming river, laughs at the idea

How a stone-hard faith could stop its current

You wanted nothing from me,

Yet I can't make you happy

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