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Travel Story

Journey to Ujung Kulon

11 Juni 2010   08:53 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   15:36 183
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It's only a week ago that I went to visit Ujung Kulon, and I already miss that place. Ujung Kulon is located at the western-most tip of Java. It includes the volcanic island group of Krakatoa and other islands including Handeuleum and Peucang. I fell in love with this place!

On Thursday the 27th of May the journey begin. There was 40 people who came along, and about 75% of it is a whole bunch of teenagers, and they were all boys who I'm guessing had never done a road trip or such. So, the rest of the percentage was adults, and let's just say that I belong to adult group J Anyway, that's not the story I'm going to write and tell here. That night we all went the bus that took us to the destination - Ujung Kulon! Of course, I was excited since I've had been waiting for this trip! I had everything ready and luckily it was a long weekend so it was just a good time to escape the atmosphere of big city.

Before midnight, the bus started its engine and took off. We spent the night on the bus. I practically just sleep throughout the night - well, there's not much you can do while you're on the bus, is there? It was 7-hour drive to our destination and by sunrise we arrived at this village called SUMUR. We all got out of the buss and walked to the small harbor waiting for the boat to come. Apparently we had to wait for couple hours for the boat. To me, it wasn't a problem at all since there was a coffee shop nearby where most people had a cup of black coffee while I prefer hot tea instead.

Couple hours had passed and there came the boat. It wasn't just a boat. It was an extra ordinary boat - well, just imagine all of us (about 15 people) sitting on an open deck. Three hours of breathing the fresh air of the sea, enjoying the high wind, I DIDN'T MIND. AT ALL. I looked around and all I saw was the sea, as far as eyes could see.

We arrived at a first island called Peucang. Of all the places we've had been in Ujung Kulon, this place is my favorite, and why is that? Well.. Quite beach surrounded by rain forest along the shore, white sands as soft as flour, and the water was just as clear as crystal. This island is so pure. I could see the fishes swimming freely, as if they welcome us to their home. There was some deers and wild boars. Surprising how they were friendly and docile. As soon as we got to the dock, we gathered all our belongings and had lunch. Very simple lunch if I must say. After-lunch agenda was to go to a snorkel spot and spent almost an hour enjoying the sea creatures under the water. Nemo and Dori were there. And so was Patrick the starfish. Late afternoon we all hiked to Karang Copong where giant cliff was located and we could see beautiful sunset here. It was a 45-minute hike to Karang Copong. The path in the forest wasn't rough at all. We saw some deers running and watching us while we were passing through. Unfortunately, when we got there it started to rain. Heavy rain. Stormy. Black clouds covered the sunset. I didn't care. I sat on the ground and enjoy the view and pretend that it wasn't raining and the sun was setting beautifully. It was worth it.

We hiked back to Peucang, cleaned up and had dinner. We spent the night in Cidaon - another island just across Peucang. We set up our tent and camped there. I guess that's where we ended our first agenda on day 1.

Day 2 - we were up very early and walked to Padang Pengembalaan - it's a savanna where we could see hundreds of rhinoceros. We spent almost an hour there but we saw none of them, instead we saw one wild bull. I guess the tour guide was just exaggerating the numbers of rhino. Nonetheless, I enjoyed being there, seeing everybody approach motionless to that one rhino just for one or two pictures. We headed back to Peucang for breakfast. Snorkeling was in the agenda again, but this time in a different spot. I decided to stay and just swim on the beach. I have to say that I've never been to heaven where people go to when they died, but this place is nearly heaven. Swimming in quiet water, no wave, clear water, I could see beautiful fishes and corals. I could lay my back on the shore where the white sands spread out along the beach. I could say the beach was mine since nobody was there except me and some friends. I was so content! Without realizing, a lizard had been watching, it was about 4 feet long, and slowly approach to our place. Nervous yet curious, that's how I felt. Apparently, the lizard smelled a dead fish somewhere in the water. All the sudden, there was two lizard were eating the dead fish.

After lunch, we headed to another island called Cibom and hiked to Tanjung Layar. It's a place where Netherland building had collapsed. There was nothing much we could do since the beach is surrounded by giant rocks, and there stood a giant cliff by the savanna. The savanna is a bit hilly and covered by green grass all over. Reminds me of a movie called Sound of Music. Shameless, my friends and I made a move and sang a song exactly from the movie. We could see the lighthouse from where we stood. I think Tanjung Layar wasn't as exciting as Peucang, but what made it exciting was the challenge to hike through muddy path. It was about an hour walking with mud, must keeping the balance and try hard not to slip or fall. It wasn't our lucky day to see sunset again because when we got there it rained.

Day 3 - waking up early again, and still in Tanjung Layar. Went for a walk to the hill to see sunrise. I have to admit that I'm not a morning person, hate waking up early so much. In other way, I have to admit that I'm glad I got up that morning - felt the morning breeze, smelled the dew, and inhaled fresh air. I wish there is a place like that in Jakarta, I'd be a morning person.

After breakfast we hiked back to Cibom and sailed back to Peucang Island - our tour guide needed to do a quick administration so we all just stayed on the boat. We sailed to Handeuleum - another island where we canoed. Since there was only four canoes available, some of us didin't really want to queue. So, some went canoeing and some stayed in the island. I decided to stayed in the island and explored. Handeuleum is simpler than Peucang. I think people came here just for canoeing or just chilled in the cottage. There's no beach. Many coconut trees and mango trees so we ended up drinking coconut drink and pilled off some mangoes, had them as our snack before lunch. I guess the deers could smell the juice from mango so they approached us. We fed them some mangoes. It was just so amazing being so close to them without fear and worry as if they could understand when we said we won't do any harm. After having a late lunch we continued sailing to the main harbor, Sumur then heading back to Jakarta.

So, that's how I spent my long weekend. On the sea. In the wilderness. Being unite with the nature. Full of happiness. I'm so glad I came and got to see one of beautiful islands of Indonesia and glad to share a great story and experience. Whoever read this and haven't been to Ujung Kulon, well please do so and prove it yourself.

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