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Ilmu Sosbud

Motivation on Healing Based in Existing Love, Feeling Affection to Influence Someone to do Something

19 Januari 2022   20:50 Diperbarui: 19 Januari 2022   21:41 185
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The spirit and motivation of someone you care about might also help you develop a sense of self-awareness and exhilaration. Stella hopes that her recovery will bring immense joy to her family. 

She wishes to preserve the unity of her family, which has been torn apart due to her father and mother's feud. She can't comprehend the devastation her family will face if she doesn't recover. Despite the fact that she has grown tired of the disease and is enjoying it, she insists that she must recover from it.

Stella has been living her days with greater vigor since Will's arrival. They provide each other with support in order to retain their spirit through therapy. They also remember to take care of one another in order to stay healthy. Whatever things affect their healing, do them, like Stella is receiving for a new lung in the story. Stella is concerned about this. She believes that the replacement lungs will be ineffective for her. 

Then she explains that a new lung will only last a few years, after which it will be back to this therapy, and so on. However, it is Will's encouragement and support that enable Stella to safely undergo the procedure for her new lungs. Stella and Will, on the other hand, have a set distance. 

On the other hand, Stella and Will maintain a specified distance so that they may continue to live together. Will does not want Stella to suffer when she has recovered her lungs. Then, due to his condition, which is still an infectious sickness, he must leave and keep away from Stella.

The protagonist of the story inspires herself since she suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, which forces her to visit the hospital frequently. She must constantly be kept isolated from anyone who may spread the sickness. The primary reason for her drive is that she wants to heal and inspire others to be positive in the face of illness so that they might recover as well. The second reason is that, as a result of Stella's condition, she wants to make their families happy. 

Her parents are no longer alive, and they ruined everything by divorcing. The protagonist's drive is sparked by the fact that she meets someone and makes them fall in love. The first element that motivates the heroine is her encounter with Will Newman, who has a great motivation for her rehabilitation. 

Stella and Will are capable of self-control and wish to comply with a series of therapies that they must endure. Another aspect that motivates the protagonist is that Will suffers from the same ailment, requiring them to be separated by a half-meter. They do, however, eventually fall in love.

When you love someone, you must accept all of their benefits and drawbacks. However, the overwhelming emotion of love for someone compels us to go to any length to help and support them. Love can help to encourage progressive change. Positive love can drive us to act or change for the better. 

As in this narrative, Stella, who has Cystic Fibrosis (CF), always has the support of the people she loves for her recovery. It appears that love has the power to transform everything. A strong sense of love might lead to them becoming supporters of one another and surviving. Finally, the aforementioned protagonist's motivation and the circumstances that excite his motivation resulted in her successful recovery and return to live with her family.

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