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"Nostalgia of The City Light"

8 April 2019   10:01 Diperbarui: 8 April 2019   10:03 89
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You won't believe in 17 years ago in the rice field

In the country where my Papa and I lived

At that time, we sat above the felled log

We played in the reeds covered with the fog

We breathed and breathed without any hush

Until my Mom cried out to rush

            At seven I lingered going to school

            The hatred, not to be a fool

            Soon, I wanted to go home

            Because Bekasi was awesome

The night felt so cloudy

Drizzle ran down the soil

The city light seemed hazy

Looked beautiful and cozy

            At dawn, the line of street lamps flickered

            The peacefulness was befriended by the herd

            The city light was part of my heart

            And it illuminated a thousand yards

You wont't believe in 17 years later in the rice field

The city light was much brighter to heed

Everything flickered synchronously like the music

The beautiful and illuminating ones became sick

            The light was too dazzling now

            And I couldn't see the plough



The ricefield was mourning

The skyscrappers hugged him

My father couldn't play anymore

And I had the reeds no more

            You won't believe now

            I hate to go to school

            Because the fools are those who rule

            To know that I want to go home

            Crying on the lap of my Mom

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