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FocusIELTS Mohon Tunggu... Guru - IELTS Preparation Online Privat dengan hasil 7.0 - 8.5

Membantu Persiapan IELTS dengan target 7.0 keatas untuk persiapan kuliah di luar negeri. Achieve your target at the FIRST ATTEMPT. Do not let IELTS become your weakness, instead let it be your ticket to future success. Kelas Privat dengan Tutor Lulusan Master of TESOL , Master of Education dari Australia , UK, USA , tutor lokal memilki band 7.5 keatas dengan pengalaman 5 tahu lebih. IELTS tidak sesulit yang Anda bayangkan!




Kosakata Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai IELTS Speaking Anda

28 Juli 2022   15:56 Diperbarui: 10 Agustus 2022   18:25 616
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If the government paid more attention to the environment, I feel that the problems of climate change would be become a serious issue. 

  1. Gunakan "If" untuk menyarankan solusi untuk suatu permasalahan


  • If people want to help save the environment, they need to be aware of the problems and collectively implement the strategies to overcome the problems.

  • If countries wanted to decrease the number of people infected by covid-19, they need to be stricter in implementing the safety protocols.

  • If I studied much harder at that time, I would have already achieved my goal.

Perlu juga diketahui bahwa pengunaan kata "if" itu ada beberapa macam seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas. Selain itu, secara struktur posisi "if" dalam kalimat itu bisa di awal kalimat seperti di contoh-contoh atas atau di tengah kalimat seperti di bawah ini:

  • I feel terrible the next day if I don't get enough sleep.

  • I always wear a jacket if the weather gets cold.

  • There would be no such problems if the infrastructure were better.

  • I feel that the problems of climate change would be become a serious issue if the government paid more attention to the environment.

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