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shinta ayu aini
shinta ayu aini Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Student of Communication

Islamic Communication and Broadcasting. Hello my name shinta, im a student in Walisongo Islamic University. Interested in journalism, thats why i love to write. Im recently working as a reporter in, as a reporter. My instagram @edelweis_garrison, or contact me at my email I have job experience too, as a waitress.



Ilmu Sosbud Pilihan

The Practice of Least Tolerance is Self-Acceptance

14 Mei 2022   21:58 Diperbarui: 14 Mei 2022   22:21 251
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Then there is anxiety, in the form of excessive worry, in this case a person with a low self-acceptance will feel worried about his life and future, seeing his life as ordinary and not as great as other people's achievements or appearances. other.

 These two conditions can trigger depression, a phase where a person loses meaning and purpose in life. This situation if left unchecked, can cause a person to think about committing suicide, and the reality is that suicide cases are no stranger to encounter. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports, at least more than 700,000 per year die from suicide.

Cultivating Tolerance In Yourself.               
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I remember reading a quote from a  Communication Book by Deddy Mulyana, he said "Humans are not machines, if they are damaged they can be replaced by other machines, every human being is a unique creature that cannot be replaced by another human being"It is wiseful if we do implement tolerance and respect for each other, but learning to manifest an attitude of tolerance in the smallest scope, for example towards ourselves, seems also something that is beneficial. 

Self-acceptance can be started through awareness of other potentials or strengths that we have, regardless of shortcomings. Because, every human being must have something special and unique. 

If self-acceptance has emerged, then our focus is not on the standard of quality of life owned by others but rather, focusing on developing self-potential (self-development).

Not a few of those who have started to accept and appreciate their own differences or shortcomings have been successful, including: 

Winnie Harlow, a model with vitiligo who managed to become a fashion model and even a public spokesperson about vitiligo, there is also Irma Suyanti, a disabled person but managed to become a health entrepreneur, and Oprah Winfrey reporter with black hair and curly hair is successful with fantastic wealth, in addition to her past being a sexual victim. 

They are all some of the hundreds of souls who are aware that insecurity only applies to those who still make their standard of living quality or beauty of appearance limit themselves to develop.

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