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Travel Story

Sempu-Batu-Jahe 2014

18 Desember 2015   17:25 Diperbarui: 28 Mei 2016   10:20 82
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DAY 9 (Sun - Jan 04 2015)


  • Alhamdulillah arrived at BatoeToelisCastle

My boardinghouse fellow said: “rina gemukan” hhrrrr....getting fat cz cold days in malang L

Kak Titin, Dhani & Widi..thank you very much for the nice journey. I appreciate your help, advice and anything.  It’s nice to have a journey with you guys, cz we don't follow the travel agent...we like to dive into experiences with our own plans and simply follow our hearts-and our stomaches, hehe... My memories of every place I've been to is often enmeshed with beautiful scenery I’ve seen, with the food I've eaten there.

My only regret on this journey was I never get to capture the scenes at headstand and the fact that our friendship ‘...’ i’m sorry, I know it was my fault.

The floating activity at Lagoon, the view from Lagoon at night was spectacular. That are  two of the great reasons to go back.

What I Love About Malang?

  1. Air is so fresh and not polluted.
  2. Less number of people who smokes on the street, not at TCA .
  3. Many cheap traditional foods on the street, yet there’s another problem with public transportation: its cost so expensive .
  4. Safe to go home at night.
  5. Locals are helpful.

Well, that’s all...happy travelling readers!


"things to bring",             

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