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Inspiring the Global Generation: SMPIA 9 Kemang Pratama, an Excellent School with International Character

11 Januari 2024   12:05 Diperbarui: 11 Januari 2024   12:05 160
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Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 

By Muhammad Eko Purwanto

Education is essential in shaping individual character and ensuring the success of millennials in becoming global citizens. In order to produce competent and responsible individuals, the concept of an excellent school with an international character has emerged. What is the meaning and essence of such a school? In general, an excellent school with an international character is a school that provides high-quality education with a focus on character development and preparing students to live in a global society. Such schools offer diverse curricula, emphasizing personal growth and integrating teaching and learning with innovative approaches.

One of the main characteristics of an excellent school with an international character is openness to culture and global progress. They encourage diversity in the school environment, both in terms of culture and background. Through programs such as student exchanges and foreign language learning, students can understand and appreciate cultural differences and see the world from a broader perspective. This helps students become tolerant individuals who can collaborate with people from different backgrounds.

Excellent schools with international character also emphasize the formation of strong character and values that are beneficial in everyday life. These schools teach students to be honest, responsible, disciplined, and socially conscious. Through extracurricular activities such as community service programs, students are taught to care for others and participate in social efforts for the common good. Additionally, these schools integrate character education with academic lessons to shape individuals who possess both knowledge and skills and high integrity and moral values.

Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 
Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 

Furthermore, education in excellent schools with international character is supported by highly qualified and competent teachers. These teachers possess expertise in the subjects they teach and have skills in guiding and supporting students' character development. They serve as good role models for students in designing positive behavior and attitudes toward life.

Not only that, but the facilities in excellent schools with international character also support the creation of a conducive learning environment. Modern facilities such as scientific laboratories, comprehensive libraries, and state-of-the-art information technology resources help students learn optimally. Moreover, leadership training and personal development programs in these schools also help students hone the skills they will need in the future.

In this constantly evolving world, excellent schools with international character play a crucial role in shaping competent and high-quality future leaders. These schools provide comprehensive education focusing on students' character development and preparation to live in a global society. Through innovative educational approaches, teaching strong moral values, and cultural diversity, these schools shape individuals based on their potential and character.

Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 
Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 

The Role of SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama

Schools play a vital role in shaping the character and mindset of students. Through quality education, schools can provide a strong foundation to inspire the global generation. SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, also known as SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama, is an outstanding school that focuses on character development and the quality of its student's education. Located in Kemang Pratama, Bekasi, West Java, this school offers internationally standardized education and aims to be a center for international character education.

This goal is reflected in the curriculum approach implemented by SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama. The school's curriculum is specifically developed to teach students how to become responsible global citizens with high competitiveness. Additionally, the school is committed to providing a broad-based education, focusing on academics and considering the development of students' social, emotional, and creative skills.

SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama has a team of qualified and experienced teachers in international education. They have extensive academic knowledge and skills in innovative teaching and motivating students. The teachers adopt a student-centered approach, empowering students to explore their potential. They also encourage students to think critically, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively in teams.

 Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 
 Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 

One of the strengths of SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama is its bilingual program in the learning process. English and Arabic are the main subjects taught using enjoyable methods such as role-playing, simulations, and group activities. Additionally, the school also offers Arabic and Mandarin language learning programs. By having proficiency in more than one language, students can easily adapt to the current era of globalization.

Moreover, SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama offers innovative and engaging learning programs, including mathematics, sciences, social studies, arts, and sports. These study programs are designed to meet students' needs and interests, aiming to develop their intelligence and holistic interests. Each learning program encourages students to think critically, work independently and in groups, and develop their creativity.

SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama also has facilities that support effective, creative, and enjoyable learning processes. All classrooms in the school are equipped with Digital Smart Classrooms, scientific laboratories, libraries, music and language rooms, an auditorium, and sports facilities. These facilities allow students to learn and actively participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and various clubs related to their interests and talents.

In addition to prioritizing quality education, SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama is also aware of the importance of character development in the education process. The school has an integrated character education program within the curriculum, aiming to shape students into individuals with noble character, high moral values, and the ability to make positive contributions to society.

 Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 
 Image Source: Doc. School (students at SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, taking part in the Asian Student Exchange Program in Korea) 

SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama also collaborates with international schools in Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Australia, and Malaysia. Students can participate in student exchange programs, teacher exchange programs, and other international activities through this collaboration. This provides valuable experiences for students in understanding different cultures, languages, and mindsets globally.

In recent years, the achievements of SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama students have exceeded expectations. Many students have been awarded in various fields, such as science, sports, arts, and skills at the national and international levels. These student achievements are a source of pride for the school and inspiration for other students to strive for success.

In conclusion, SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama, one of the schools managed by YW Al Muhajirien Jakapermai, can inspire the global generation. Through quality education, character development, foreign language programs, and international collaborations, this school successfully prepares its students to become global citizens who can compete globally. SMPIA-9 Kemang Pratama is not just a school but an institution that shapes well-educated, culturally aware individuals who understand their roles as global community members !!? Wallahu A'lamu Bishshawwab

Bekasi, January 11, 2024.

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