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Ilmu Sosbud

Arabic Language Development in The Modern Era

20 Desember 2022   12:48 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2022   12:57 176
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Arabic Language Development in the Modern Era


Muhammad Nabiel Johar Sugandi

Marsha Meliana Putri

Muhammad Quresy


Language is a social communication tool resulting from human speech. Humans as social creatures need a means to communicate with other humans, so a communication vehicle called language is needed.

Arabic is one of the many branches of Semitic languages that have developed over thousands of years. Arabic emerged as an independent language, because one of the early Semitic language users moved to other areas, then formed a nation as well as a language. The evolutionary process that occurred in the clash of Arabic with local languages turned the original Arabic into various dialects. Arabic can grow and develop and stand on its own, due to several supporting factors, one of which is the association and mixing between nations. (Husni Mubarak: 2018).

We know that Arabic occupies a strategic position among international languages. This is evidenced by the United Nations (UN) increasing Arabic speakers in the world, in 1973 Arabic was officially made an international language besides English. With these implications, language has the urgency to always develop in the era of globalization. Arabic occupies the fifth position after English, French, German, and Chinese as a daily language by 450 million Muslims in the world spread across the Arabian Peninsula and the African continent.


Arabic, apart from being mentioned as the language of the Qur'an or the language of the inhabitants of heaven, is also the official language for Arabs or people who live in the Middle East region as their daily means of communication. Arabic is divided into two, namely, Fusha and 'Ammiyah.

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