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The Existence of Local Products in Today's Fashion Trends

12 Juni 2022   10:52 Diperbarui: 12 Juni 2022   11:24 282
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In the last two years, local fashion brands have become very popular among the public. This is due to the high improvement in the quality of products offered by local brands. As in the selection of materials, models, colors, and promotional strategies currently using influencers.

Latifah as one of the influencers revealed that currently local products, especially fashion products, are experiencing a very rapid increase. We can see that from the increasingly trendy models, the selection of materials with high quality and an affordable price.

"Aside from the fact that the quality is increasing, I think influencers are also influential in promoting local products so that they are increasingly known by the public so that many people also use local products like today" Latifah added.

One example is the local fashion brand Erigo, which has now successfully entered the international market. This happens because of the good quality of their products so that they are worthy to compete with other products in the international market. Coupled with creative promotional activities using well-known influencers such as Arief Muhammad, Reza Chandika, Rachel Vennya, etc.

Not only the Erigo brand, but there are many other local fashion brands that are able to enter the international market which proves it with the existing quality. So now local products are very feasible to enter the international market and compete with international brands out there.

“My hope for local brands is very simple. I want local brands to be more familiar to our ears, local brands with good quality are increasingly popular and besides that, I definitely want the products to have more variety and also with a higher quality, so that they can compete in the international market and even go international. Keep it up with local Indonesian products ” said Latifah.

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