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Mac Arif Hamdanas
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I am just me. The REAL me.



Travel Story Pilihan

Life in the Slow Lane

25 Mei 2015   00:38 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   06:39 32
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Karier. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

By 1990, Triwindu had emerged as an important place for rare antiques, drawing collectors from around the world. Walking through its dim halls, where little has changed over the years, feels like being in your grandparents’ dusty attic with all those abandoned items that once meant so much to their owners.

It was a few minutes past 5 p.m. when I left the flea market, mugs in hand, and returned to the hotel. Life is slow in Solo but I experienced a lot in one day … and all after a bus ride without a wink of sleep!

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