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There is No Stranger in Democracy

23 Februari 2021   10:51 Diperbarui: 23 Februari 2021   11:38 185
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In Indonesia, the vision of deliberative democracy is embraced by two main principles, namely the third principle of Indonesian unity and the fifth principle of social justice for all Indonesian people. The three precepts also require and reinforce each other. The existence of unity and justice strengthens the development of democracy.

Government by the people and for the people may not disappear from the face of this earth. This, of course, affirms that the ideal government in the idea of the father of democracy (Abraham Lincoln) is a government that is in touch with the aspirations of the people. This means that a sovereign government system must refer to its people, and protect the human rights of its people. This is an obligation in order to guide the government to refer to a democratic government system.

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