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Humaniora Pilihan

Seluk-beluk Orientasi Seksual LGBT (Bagian 1)

3 Mei 2016   17:21 Diperbarui: 19 Juli 2016   11:31 4306
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/1/ Lihat JAMA: Gay Is Okay With APA (American Psychiatric Association); tersedia online di

/2/ Lihat Suzanne Trimel (Direktur Komunikasi IGLHRC), “UN Human Rights Council Votes to Support LGBT Rights”, OutRight Action International, pada Lihat juga kertas kerja HRC PBB tanggal 24 September 2014 (format PDF) pada

/3/ Halaman 30. “Case No. S147999 in the Supreme Court of the State of California, In re Marriage Cases Judicial Council Coordination Proceeding No. 4365(…) –APA California Amicus Brief―As Filed”, pada

/4/ Lihat berita Heru Margianto, “Homoseksual Bukan Penyimpangan Seksual”,, 11 November 2008, pada

/5/ Tentang homoseksualitas pada hewan, dua links ini menyediakan banyak informasi berharga: dan

/6/ Bruce Bagemihl, Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999).

/7/ Lihat J.T. Eberhard, “Ben Carson isn’t sure if the Constitution has authority over the Bible”, Patheos, 4 August 2015, pada Lihat juga pada

/8/ Lihat Pew Research Center, “Section 2: Knowing Gays and Lesbians, Religious Conflicts, Beliefs about Homosexuality. Mixed Views on Why People Are gay or Lesbian”, Pew Research Center, 8 June 2015, pada

/9/ Lihat reportase Jeffrey Kluger, “No Ben Carson, Homosexuality Is Not a Choice”, Time, 6 March 2015, pada

/10/ Simon LeVay, “A Difference in Hypothalamic Structure between Homosexual and Heterosexual Men”, Science, Vol. 253, No. 5023, 30 August 1991, hlm. 1034-1037, pada

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