Mohon tunggu...
Hayati Samsudin
Hayati Samsudin Mohon Tunggu... -

I'm simple person. English, writing short stories and poems is my passion.




Enigmatic Smile

26 Juli 2010   22:56 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:35 47
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Hollow mind
Reluctantly dragging my existance
Crawling on the ground
My stagnant eyes
Gazing at nothingness

Out beyond my window
The rain is pouring
The wind and the water
Fiercely bickering
Against each other

My hollow mind
Suddenly goes rambling
Like some of those trees
Outside my window
Struggeling to halt the wind

Those are the sounds
Which keep on coming in
Into my hollow mind
My solitary
In the dark solitude

Then, I can heard something else
Other than the rain
The wind, the bickering trees
And the echo
In my hollow mind


Voices wishpering on my ears
Subtle, yet erotic
Then I close my eyes
And feeling the touches
Underneath my skin

Familiar feeling arousing
Creeping and tempeting
Leading to nowhere
Succumb into nothingness
Then I smile

Like if you knew
The meaning
My enigmatic smile



Mohon tunggu...

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