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Ilmu Sosbud

Scars Behind The Stereotype of The Strawberry Generation

12 Desember 2023   23:57 Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2023   00:42 52
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The term "strawberry generation" is used to describe the most creative generation full of brilliant ideas but often considered weak in facing social pressure. The term first appeared in Taiwan and was used to refer to the generation born in the early 1980s. However, there has been a shift in the meaning of the term, now referring to Generation Z. Here are some stereotypes about the strawberry generation.

Firstly, the strawberry generation is seen as a generation that is easily hurt and quick to give up. It is undeniable that Generation Z have been surrounded by easy and fast technology. They are accustomed to instant things, even though not everything can be obtained instantly. Overprotective and strict parenting styles also contribute to the tendency to be easily hurt and unable to accept criticism.

Secondly, the strawberry generation is considered a lazy generation. Again, the rapid development of technology has led to the stereotype of laziness. Their ease in doing a task with just a few clicks on their phones or laptops, while relaxing on the porch or even lying in bed, creates the perception that they tend to be lazy. Social media posts featuring "healing," "refreshing," "self-reward," and the like contribute to the impression that the strawberry generation only seeks comfort. However, not all of Generation Z behave this way.

Many people are associated with the stereotype of the strawberry generation, but they are actually struggling to achieve their dreams. In short, there is a struggle and even pain behind the stereotype of the strawberry generation.

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