Mohon tunggu...
Hamdali Anton
Hamdali Anton Mohon Tunggu... Guru - English Teacher

Saya adalah seorang guru bahasa Inggris biasa di kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. || E-mail : || WA: 082353613105 || Instagram Custom Case : || YouTube: English Itu Fun




Poetry | Nothing to Say, but Love..

16 November 2018   23:11 Diperbarui: 16 November 2018   23:53 432
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Ilustrasi :

I want to have prosperous life with you

I want to have you as my wife

Not only as my soul mate, but also as a mother for our children

I am not an expert author to write a beautiful poem

Nor the singer to sing a marvelous song

I am just an ordinary man

That want to get the precious woman that is very rare in this world.

You are very special

There is none like you in this earth

I give you this ring as the sign

The sign that I love you so much

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Mohon tunggu...

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