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Bill Gates Prediction and Worries about 2022

29 Desember 2021   02:54 Diperbarui: 29 Desember 2021   03:00 69
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Bill Gates, the billionaire and Microsoft founder, has some reservations about the year 2022. This is indicated in the owner's full name William Henry Gates III's year-end blog post.

Gates noted in a blog post titled "Reason for optimism after a difficult year" that one particular issue might stymie or undermine much of the progress and potential that has been made. He calculates how much popular distrust there is in the government.

As stated by CNBC International, he wrote, "This is one of the issues I'm most concerned about moving into 2022." According to Gates, public institutions must play a big role in issues such as combating climate change and preventing the next pandemic. But, as is generally known, the majority of them are powerless.
"If your people don't trust you, they won't support a great new initiative," Gates stated. " "And when major crises arise, they are less likely to follow the guidance needed to weather the storm."

In addition to the issue of government trust, Gates pointed out that the 24-hour news cycle, politicallymotivated headlines, and social media are all contributing to the growing divide.
To effectively reduce misinformation, Gates suggested that governments may need to control online platforms.

Gates also voiced fear that if action is not taken quickly, many people would be influenced to vote for leaders that openly express and foster skepticism. The public may become progressively disillusioned with the government as a result of this snowball effect.

"This is usually where I'll lay out my ideas on how we can fix the problem. The truth is, I don't have an answer," he wrote.

"I plan to continue to seek and read other people's ideas, especially from young people. I hope the generation that grew up online will have fresh ideas on how to tackle problems so entrenched on the Internet," he added.

Before expressing his fears, Gates made several optimistic forecasts, including the end of the Covid epidemic next year and the impending development of the metaverse.

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