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Indra Nusyirwan
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Travel Story

5th Level of Fuji Mountain

9 Juni 2013   01:51 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   12:19 81
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Today I and had chance to come to 5th level of Fuji Mountain, which is located at 2305 meters above the sea level. That was so cold and like freezing, and according to our guide, it was close to the peak of the Fuji Mountain (even it will need more 8 hours to come to peak and return back to 5th level). The 5th level is the last place where vehicle can be used (car, bus and motorcycle). While riding the horse will be available until 6th level, than we need to walk until peak of Fuji Mountain (10th level). Below photo is the best of Fuji Mountain which we can take this afternoon, since remaining of the day it was so cloudy and foggy. You can see some of the snow is appear. Wow, that was amazing. At the 5th level, there are several souvenir shop and quite big parking space for bus, car and motorcycle. But unfortunately, the weather is not good at that time. The fog suddenly come at around 1 PM. So, we just can take several picture of Fuji Mountain. According to our driver and guide, the track to peak of Fuji Mountain is officially open for public from July until end of August, every year. At that time, so many people come to Fuji Mountain and most of them will wait for sunrise at peak of Fuji Mountain. It will be great if I can come to peak of Fuji Mountain, but I can't (at least for this year). Good by Fuji Mountain, hope I can come to 10th level at next year(s) and take some snow as souvenir :).

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