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Internship in China : When Pre-K Kids Speak Better than You Do

2 September 2020   01:07 Diperbarui: 2 September 2020   01:08 86
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There are also times when I attempted to speak to a toddler, but my vocabularies were probably as good as theirs, so I keep repeating the only sentences that I knew hoping it would entertain them enough.

Often times, I would just avoid handling the children and talk to their parents instead, because only then I could apologize for my messed up Chinese and explained that I wasn't from China. 

Looking back now, it was truly a memorable experience to be able to do an internship in China. It wasn't all smiles and laughs, instead often times it was full of pressures, especially from the language barrier perspective. 

Yet, it was still one of the unforgettable memories that I have, and I'm sure I wouldn't get the same chance twice. I will definitely have to learn a party trick though, so the next time I meet little kids, I would have something up on my sleeves that would entertain them without having to say anything. At least not in a language I'm not fluent in. 

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